hi folks i notice that is been since may 11 since i posted anything on my blog,, some of you know why,,, my father was not doing well since christmas. we took care of him but it got to a point where we no longer could,, may 4 was the beginning of a long few months,,, he was place in a home in may, and my father passed away july 26 2014 he was 87,,
it was a surprised to me thinking he was doing so well at the home,, i thought for sure he was live another year or two because of the good care he was getting,, but i guess the lord knew when to take him home,,,
the first month he was in the home ,, we as family members felt terrible knowing he wanted to come home,, i have to admit i was in a bit of a depression and didnt know it,, i have little interest woodcarving which i thought would never happen,, i was so consume with my parents needs that everything took a back seat for a while which is should,,, my days were filled with traveling to see dad, cause the home they place him in was 20 miles away,,, knowing all to well that my mom would want to see him everyday,, which she did,,, thankfully my mothers church help in with some of the transportation for me,, meaning 1-2 days a week someone was willing to take her up,, leaving me with some time to get caught up on things that needed to get done on the farm,, and around my home,, it was a blessing to know folks were so willing to help out,,
losing my dad will leave a large void in my life,, i work with him all my life,, here on the farm,, i only ever wanted the best for both of my folks,, they are my family,,
one thing i always will admire my father for is the courage he had to leave holland and come to the usa,, and to have his own business, he taught his kids well,, to be honest, work hard and to have faith in god,, and to be independent,, for that i am so grateful,, now he is gone i know the months ahead will be filled with memories of him,, and as we pass special days,, in the next year it will be bitter sweet,, i was blessed to have a dad all my life, and work with him,, and learn from him,, he was a wonderful dad that cared for me ,, i never doubted his love for his family,, or me,,
i started to carve again,, and have over 30 pieces that now have to be painted,, and thankful i am back into it once again,, and soon i will have new projects again up on youtube ,, folks keep carving,,and i will too,, arleen