Saturday, March 8, 2014

5 years ago it all began,, carverswoodshop youtube videos


Hi folks.  i just thought  about this today,, march 26, 2009,,  i started my youtube channel called carverswoodshop,,,  now five years later , i had to reflect on how it started,,  i love  computers and woodcarving and thought it would be neat to create a video how to do some woodcarving projects,,  at that time,, i was home a lot,, i had been recovering from a broken knee cap from a fall at work,,  it took a couple of months,,  and i thought now was the time to start this new venture,, i had time on my hands, and it took about  a month to figure out how to load videos on to the youtube channel,, the first few videos i did with my laptop,, and it wasn't detailed enough,, and came up with a new angle that work well,   and still use that angle today,, the way you see it on video is the way you should see your carving,,  it was a hit,, and easier for folks to understand how the cuts should be done,,,,

it has amazed me beyond what i ever thought this would turn out to be,,  and folks from all over the world watching and learning about woodcarving,,  if you would have told me 5 years ago  what it would be today,, i would have told you no way,,

its taught me a few things,,

1) it takes time ,, all of the stuff listed below could not have been done quickly,, it took time ( lot of time) and that its ok for it to grow slowly,,

2 )that you have to try a few new things,, first of all change is never easy,, and looking for my camper/studio took months,,  till i found the right one,,  and what a perfect fit,,  i am as pleased with it as the day it came,,  it was more then i could have dreamed of,,, and so thankful for it,,

3)so time is on our side,, things dont have to be done overnight,, its ok if you decide not to carve for a while

4)and there is always something new to learn,,

 now five years later

1740 video clips  ,,  this is about 130 different projects to choose from

1930000 , heading to 2 million views on all of my videos combine

4373 subscribers to the youtube channel

65 different dvds with 120 projects total

a camper studio was added here at the farm,, for teaching and open at christmas time for my carvings that are sale

 face book was added later,,  a few years ago and well over 1100 folks that join the carverwoodshop group

and a few woodcarving shows during the year,,

well folks i just want to thank you  for watching my videos,, and for all the emails, calls , visits and  encouraging me to continue on,,  i sure plan to keep going,, thanks so much,,  i met many wonderful folks along  the way,,

on a personal note,, i wanted my carving videos to be a family friendly , that you can sit and watch and learn along with your kids if you wanted to ,, and knowing that it would be safe for them to do so,,  i am so grateful to the lord for his blessings and the journey it has taken me,,  to him be all the glory and honor,,  without him  i am nothing but with him i am someone , and have all i ever needed or wanted ,,  take care folks blessing to all of you ,, and keep carving,, arleen 

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