Sunday, February 9, 2014

classes being offered , that you can choose from

hi folks, this page is only about the classes that will be available for private instruction,, or up the three people,, there will be a cost for one person ,and a another price for 2-3 people,, you can choose the class you would like to take, and the date,,that suits you,,, all classes will be on saturday or monday,, most will be one day only,, you will get two cutouts and a dvd to finish your project at home,, 9am to 430pm , and there will be one class that will be half a day on friday afternoons , the prices will be determine by each class,, your welcome to bring along up to two people, total of three, if you need more information please call 484-364-0471 or email me at thank you.
one eye santa with a gift , intermediate instruction.. one day 9 am to 4:30pm....
cost one person 75.00.... two - three 65.00
two cutouts , and dvd , please call to reserve a sat or mon of your choice,
call 484-364-0471 or email me at thank you ,, arleen
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  • Arleen Zomer Carverswoodshop
one eye snowman , beginner /intermediate instruction.. one day 9 am to 4:30pm....
cost one person 75.00.... two - three 60.00
two cutouts , and dvd , please call to reserve a sat or mon of your choice,
call 484-364-0471 or email me at thank you ,, arleen
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spiral santa ornament , beginger/ intermediate instruction.. one day 9 am to 4:30pm....
cost one person 75.00.... two - three 60.00
two cutouts , and dvd , please call to reserve a sat or mon of your choice,
call 484-364-0471 or email me at thank you ,, arleen
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santa head bottle stopper , beginner/intermediate instruction.. one day 9 am to 4:30pm....
cost one person 75.00.... two - three 65.00
one cutout., one bottle stopper , and box , and dvd , please call to reserve a sat or mon of your choice,
call 484-364-0471 or email me at thank you ,, arleen
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holiday honey bear , intermediate instruction.. one day 9 am to 4:30pm....
cost one person 75.00.... two - three 65.00
one cutouts , holiday pieces , and box , and dvd , please call to reserve a sat or mon of your choice,
call 484-364-0471 or email me at thank you ,, arleen
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penquin , beginners instruction.. one afternoon or evening
friday or monday afternoon or evening,, afternoon time 1pm to 430pm or evening 530 pm to 9pm
cost one person 45 .00.... two - three 35.00
two cutouts , and dvd , please call to reserve the time of your choice,
call 484-364-0471 or email me at thank you ,, arleen
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sitting santa or sitting chimney santa , intermediate instruction.. one day 9 am to 4:30pm....
cost one person 75.00.... two - three 65.00
two cutouts , and dvd , please call to reserve a sat or mon of your choice,
call 484-364-0471 or email me at thank you ,, arleen
Like ·  ·  · 2 hours ago
  • Arleen Zomer Carverswoodshop

civil war soldier , intermediate instruction.. one day 9 am to 4:30pm....
your choice of confederate or union soldier
cost one person 95.00.... two - three 85.00
two cutouts , and dvd , please call to reserve a sat or mon of your choice,
call 484-364-0471 or email me at thank you ,, arleen
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pine cone class , beginner instruction.. one day 9 am to 4:30pm....
cost one person 75.00.... two - three 65.00
two cutouts , and dvd , please call to reserve a sat or mon of your choice,
call 484-364-0471 or email me at thank you ,, arleen

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