hi folks some of you asked if i do private instruction of woodcarving, yes i do,, i have email some of you about it but i think it is time to put it out there for those that would like to know the cost, etc so here i go,,
i know many of you are not able to attend a class when its posted , due to work and family commitments ,, which i sure understand, but also i find some folks prefer , esp beginners to have the one on one instruction so i will begin to set time aside for this,, i will have normally afternoons and evenings open,, or sat mornings ok,,,, sorry no sundays,, i always reserve that day to the lord and my family.
min of 2 hours ,, i find by the time you sit down , and chat a bit, mins can go quickly,, so the instructions are 2 hours long,, i find most folks that begin, two hours is enough and to stop to give them a break,,
cost is 35.00 for two hours, when someone just needs a few things help with then that is when my open house sat afternoon comes in,, its a time to catch up on a class your taking and were not able to finish,, and also sometimes a classroom of 4-6 people some folks are going to be quicker to finish their projects,, also the open house is a chance for you to bring along questions that you may have about wood carving, or sharpening painting etc .
i only sell some blanks for the cone projects when i have a class, or dvds, sorry i do not sell any tools , but don does at his shop in lancaster, and he will be happy to help you and his prices are fair,, so be sure to ck with him if you need wood or tools,, he is part of the lancaster county woodcarving club, here is information if you need to contact him,, he does not have a website but an email and the good old fashion thing called a telephone, to contact him,, lol and i dont get a kickback from him,, just glad to have folks get the right stuff to carve,, so be sure to call him for any of your carving needs ,, here is my number 484-364-0471 or email me at carverswoodshop@yahoo.com
hillcrest carving
3540 Marietta Avenue Lancaster, PA 17601
(717) 285-7117
thanks , and keep carving,, arleen
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