Tuesday, July 17, 2012

pricing your carvings at a craft or woodcarving shows,, ?? ohhh the tough questions

 hi folks, as i was sitting here thinking about craft shows and woodcarving shows, well how do you price your piece,,  some will go by the hour,,,, which many of us do not,, cause no one would be able to afford it...  so how do you price a carving?...   i look at it from a different view point,, its not the amount of hours i put in a piece ,, but  here are questions only you can answer,,
what amount of money would i be willing to part with my carving?  
some folks never sell their carvings  cause they cant part with it,,

i have a few pieces that i feel that way about it,, but when you want to sell your carvings ,, then the next question is is it resonable?  is it affordable?
 i guess the next question would be that i often ask myself,, would i be willing to pay that amount for it?

   if you have a piece that you want to keep then kept it ,,, i never want to feel that i made a mistake selling a piece and if in doubt then dont...... ,, as long as your happy with the end result, these questions only you can answer,,,,, i cant carve  a bunch of stuff in a week, but  it takes months to build inventory for a show,

 i have no desire to do commission work,, i find it stressfull cause the other persons vision of a piece would be different then what the final piece will be, so i just carve what a want, and put it  up for sale, and if it goes great,, if not not a problem,  just take it to the next show,,,  so folks , dont  forget to enjoy carving if you get to sell some of them that is  great,, its the icing on the cake,,  i would have carved it anyway,,  cause i enjoy it,, keep carving , arleen 

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