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Thursday, June 10, 2010

what one can learn at a carving show, making of a strop, with cardboard, ??? we will see

hi folks i didnt think going to the carving show that i would learn as much as i did, it doesn't matter how long you been carving you can always learn something, i learned how to make a strop out of card board, i haven't tried it but i will and give you the details and results later, now the cardboard is hard what you use from a tablet you know the cardboard on the back of the tablet, i will find one tomorrow and put some compound on it and i will let you know the results, it was interesting, i just have not had the time to get round to finding what i need, but it might be a way for some of you that dont have access to leather,,, i was told that it was glued to a wooden board , just like a regular strop, so i cant wait to put one together, nice thing about it , its a super cheap way to make one and you can make more than one with different compounds of your liking, but we will see how it work, i be back in a few days to let you know. happy carving, arleen


Hans said...

I have been using cardboard for a strop for some time now. In my experience, it works quite well. The key is having a good honing compound to rub on it.

The cardboard will wear out faster than leather, so I use a flat board with some fine sandpaper glued to it to hold the cardboard. This holds the cardboard just fine without having to glue the cardboard to the board. When the cardboard wears out, just throw it away and grab another piece that you have saved from the back of a notebook.

Thank you for mentioning this great tip.


carverswoodshop said...

thanks for posting hans, and for the tip about the sandpaper, arleen