Sunday, June 6, 2010

lancaster show of 2010 is now history, it was a good show and some thoughts,

hi folks i got home a bit ago, and the show is now history, it was a good show and looking forward to it again next year, i have to be very honest with my readers and fellow carvers, it was a perfect show for me ,, it was close to home, i knew a lot of the carvers there, and i at home there, plus winning the two blue ribbons, was the icing on the cake for me, i first want to thank andy, pete, jacob, and the countless others that put this show together, so much work for a couple of days, but folks they did the hard work, THANK YOU ALL,
i will post a couple of pics yet and two more videos, first the video of tom which i interviewed last year, he was so kind to allow me to do so again, he talks about relief carving which i thought some of you might enjoy seeing,
the second video was the american cane club, and mike tells us about the club and what they working on, very interesting, since i do not to canes ( lol not yet lol watch out but it wont fit in my video len lol ) and those of you that do will be sure to enjoy it,
i did try to get different types of carving in the videos from the show, it was a great time for me to learn some things i didnt know, yes after 30 years of carving i am still learning, in the next few blogs i will share with you what i learned and you might find interesting, how to seal the canes when its green, what one carver use for a strop, and how a man fixed a long crack in a cane, i will do my best to remember, plus my thoughts on how you can help promote woodcarving, so check in i will have more to blog later, thanks for joining me , happy carving to ya god bless , arleen

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