Wednesday, April 28, 2010

coming home today, and ready to carve

hi folks, sorry that the videos on the graduate is taking longer than normal , i am in canada today ready to make my trip back home, i went to my uncles funeral, and i think this is the shortest time i ever spent up here, came here monday and going back today (wed) . the family did a nice job on the service, and it was good to see and spent time with family that i havent seen in years. its rare for me, and to be at a table with aunts, uncles ,cousins and my sister chatting, it almost never happens, those of you that live among family may have this often, the last time was about 8 years ago, and before that i couldnt tell ya, after the service an aunt , uncle , my sister , and i went out for dinner, it was nice and i got a Chinese cookie and the saying i thought i share with you folks, it was ..... one that makes no mistakes, is one that never made anything...... HOW TRUE.. if your a carver , we are going to make mistakes, and that is how we learn sometimes, so if your new keep at it,,, as you saw with the chipmunk i had to fix it, but i think it was also a good learning tool, i have a few things more that i like to start carving, as the show will be here before i know it i better get going, take care,, and keep carving, arleen


  1. It was so special that you drove all the way from PA for the funeral. Thanks so much. It meant a lot to the family.

    Jack and I are looking forward to visiting with you and your folks again this summer.

    Have fun preparing for the upcoming carving show in Lancaster.

  2. thank you jen, our families have a lot of history together, your mom and dad are great folks, and i also want to thank you for the countless times you came to see my folks and I its always a special time when you and jack come down to lancaster , looking forward to it too, see ya in a few months!
