Friday, February 26, 2010

spring, and flowers , another snowstorm,, leprechaun is finished,

hi folks, how is everyone ? its a snowy mess again here in the northeast , so glad we still have power and that the amounts are not as much as they were predicting the last few days,, spring will be here before we know it, and again the pain of winter cleanup will be big this year, i see what i hit with the plow, grass and sorry to say part of my mailbox, its okay just leaning a little to the right. the photo below is a orchid that i gave my mom about a month ago, my sweet mom, she was not feeling well for about a week, she loves flowers, shes from Holland, and nothing better to her than blooming plants and flowers, very year i get her an orchid, she has a green thumb and can make anything grow, but this plant has 12 blooming flowers on it, it had six ( three on each side) and now with my moms care it has 12 ( six on each side ) i never saw that many but she loves it , and i have to say its one of the nicest plants i ever got her, and folks i got this at Walmart lol i have to say their cut flowers and orchids have been the best, the flowers last over a week, but anyway i wanted folks to see this wonder plant,,, i am not into plants and my love for the outdoors is not like my moms,, i see work when i look outside, mowing, trimming, cleanup, repairs, etc, so i have a different look at the outdoors, i just happy to have a mower that works, and good weather to get my mowing done, i have sooooo much of it here at the farm and my place and my folks... so you see i am not a fan of the outdoors
yes another snowstorm,, as i wait inside i wonder how much i will have to plow, but for now i enjoying seeing it from indoors, and working on the last of the leprechaun,,, i going to repaint it this morning, not happy with it , just a few things,,, but it will be up by later this afternoon,
enjoy the photo, happy and safe carving to ya, arleen

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