Thursday, February 18, 2010

carving with meaning, what does yours say about you?

do you ever wonder what your carvings says about you? i had to think about this for a while, is there a message in my carving, or just fun? does your carvings say something about you? what you think, what you feel, about your family, your history, most artists do art with meaning, something they want to say or convey , i thought a lot about this,
what does my carving say to you? does it show humor , does it make you think? does it make you want to try something new or just something fun to do? i hope so, i hope it shows that first i love to carve, and sooo grateful that i can carve, hope it shows you the things i care about, and most of all that i believe in one that that cares for us all, i often see him as the carver, and he is whittling me the way he wants me to be, and what is he trying to convey to others around me? that is a huge question, and so what are you conveying to others from the one that created and carved you?
food for thought, happy and safe carving to ya , arleen

happy carving, arleen


  1. Dear Arleen,

    thank you for your last post. It is indeed humbling and exalting at the same time to know that through carving one is closer to the Carver. I am afraid I am not always as docile to His as wood is to mine, but I trust He will make of me what He wants. The rabbit and the bear are very cute!
