Wednesday, November 19, 2014

carverswoodshop open for the christmas season, in dec......

  • 930 birdell rd , honey brook pa, 19344 camper studio
the shop will be open for the christmas season starting dec 6th, 9 am to 5 pm. i will convert my shop into a retail shop to display hand carved santas , snowman, penguins , pinecone tree, and ornament,, each is my designed , hand carved and signed, will be available for purchase. i will also be carving in the shop to show folks how these items are carved,, looking forward to this christmas season and seeing many of you , ,, so stop in say hello if your in the area, below is the dec hours ,,

saturdays dec 6th, 13th, 20th 9am to 5 pm
fridays dec 12th and 19th 3pm to 8 pm
monday dec 22th 3pm to 8pm
tue dec 23 3pm to 8pm
wed 24th 1 - 5 pm

also appointment call or email

wow its been a month,, sorry folks here whats happening

we are at our last class for our fall session,, it will be a winter session starting jan 17th with the pinecone class again for beginners,,  more information coming up soon,, but some interesting photos of classes new woodcarvings and the truck lift i am finally getting some use repairing the rotting  boards behind the rain gutters, lift came in very handy,, ,, to cold to work now,, but will get more done next week,,,   first photo is the long legger santa class here is the student final piece

this is the coffee santa,, with baggy sock  this is new

pine cone class results, they  look wet still drying from the antiquing solution

this is a sitting  dutch coffee santa

repairing the garage

and some of boards replaced , no way i could do that alone on only a ladder