Monday, December 30, 2013

civil war carvings, for christmas gifts and some to put on ebay soon

the photo with two,, one on the left was carved for my brother in-law,,  for christmas  the other one on the right won first prize at a woodcarving show in frankenmuth mich,,   the unpainted one is about to be painted and will be put on ebay soon,,,  i got some requests to do a confederate soldier which will not be difficult to do,,  just painting it a different color will do it,, so i do plan to do those soon,, lol   i knew some folks in the south were going to ask me to do one,,    ok keep carving folk 

saying goodbye to 2013 overview

hi folks as i say goodbye to 2013 it was a good carving year,, we did a lot of new projects that folks seem to really enjoy,, i did alot of carving this year then any other getting ready for christmas, and filling orders, not as many classes, did a bunch of projects on youtube, which i enjoy doing,   maybe not as many as the year before, but i was happy with the new creations this year ,, so overall it was a good carving year

some ways it was a tougher year for me,,  one big difference was the overhaul in the usa healthcare system,  folks i had my own insurance since i been 18 and the first time in my life i was going to lose it along with millions of other that had their plans dropped,,  i thought i didnt have to worry about obamacare,  and really paid very little attention to it,,   until i got the letter in sept,,,  my heart sank,,  but an education in obamacare  there was a lot to learn,,  from sept to dec 19 i finally got some insurance at the market exchange,, dealing with a down gov site, was frustrating ,, but over all i now have a plan,,  now i will have to see how it will work,, like millions of folks in the usa i wanted to keep the plan i had,,,  so things  are ever changing ... we will see how it will work,, i was a plan that  i could tell keep the doctor i had,, i  first just ck with the plan  i wanted to see if my doctor took that plan or not, which he did,, so time will tell,,, we all know something had to change in our healthcare system,,
it was instilled in me when i was 18 and farming i had to have my own plan,,  it was not an option not to have it,,,, self employment  your force to get something,, i dont understand the folks that say well i have to pay but get nothing in return,, ,, well that is what insurance is about hoping you never need it,,  weather its your car, house insurance,, ,,,, i know this  system is not perfect,, neither was the other system we time will tell,  some things will have to be worked out,, like any new project it will have lots of bumps in the road,,,,  i sure when social security or medicare started it was not without  problems,,  and today i do not hear older folks wanting to get rid of either of them today,,  sure it was not popular back when it started,,,   i have to say i want less government too,  not more of it,, but things are the way they are,,  so 2014 will be an intersting year for sure
goodbye 2013

Saturday, December 21, 2013

MERRY CHRISTMAS .....have some fun with carving santas, and other things,

i want to wish everyone a very merry christmas,, and also a very happy and healthy new year

i just posted some photos of the chimney santa,, in my latest new santas,, it was fun to do,,, and i got a good response to it,,   i enjoyed making them ,, lots of fun,,  well it looks like another christmas is behind us and soon another year,,,  for most christmas is a bittersweet time,,  but also can be a very happy time,, keep the faith and keep carving,,  god has bless us with so much, and most of all with his son,, may he be praised ,,,    for his wonderful gift to all of us,,, its weather we choose to accept it or not,,   merry christmas,,

Saturday, December 7, 2013

now i take credit cards, how you can too if you do carving shows,,

hi folks,, as most of you that are use to using the internet,, may have paypal,, some that have not ventured into it or just like to do things the old fashion way,,  some always ask if i take credit cards,,  in the past i did not,, but now to new amazing things you can do with a smart phone,, most crafters now take a credit card anywhere they set up,, this new feature ( that has been out for a while) works very well,,   mind you it takes me a bit longer , small buttons on the cell phone LOl  but it does work great,, so yes  i now take credit cards,,  so here are the forms of payment . old fashion ck,,  paypal or credit card , and of couse money order,,   if you do pay with a credit card, you can either call me direct at 484-364-0471,,,  with information, or email it to me,,  the card number, ccv on the back ( three number on the back  and the expire date,, after i have all the info  and i get it set up i will delete the email,, and of course an address to mail it 
so there you have it,,,  so if you set up at craft /art/ woodcarving shows, you can too have all the features the big shops have,, and i have to say , in the past i missed some sales due to the fact i did not take credit cards,,  hope this info helps those that looking to add this feature to sales,,  keep carving,, arleen

Monday, December 2, 2013

finished painting the SITTING SANTAS

hi folks,, for some reason i am not able to post the videos on this blog , i have to see what google did different, but anyway,, here is a photo of the two sitting santas,, one was done on youtube channel ,, carverswoodshop , so please go there to view my video of this project, thanks