Sunday, July 31, 2011

a nice sunday afternoon

hi folks,, today was another hot day in pa,, some of you are also in the heat depending where you live, i only mowed the yard twice in the last six weeks,, it was so hot during the day i mowed it at night fall along and that was interesting,, lol i always wondered why they put headlights on riding lawn mowers,, lol they worked out just fine,, i dont think the neighbors were to happy i was done at 10 pm and it was still 80 degrees later in the week at 10pm it was 87 ,, so i mowed it on a cool night, lol .... we had company ( family) that came to my folks home,, from canada,, it was nice to see everyone, and enjoyed the visit,, they come to lancaster one a year with the whole family , so it was good,, to see them again,, hope their visit to pa was a good one,, well folks,, time to do some more carving, i will be going to the haycreek festival in sept,, i keep you posted on dates etc , soon, i am carving up a storm to have enough stuff to display,, got a bit of the carving bug again, which is nice,, ok take care and keep carving and stay cool, arleen

Monday, July 25, 2011

wow where does the time go ( i have no idea)

well lots going on,, and not much carving getting done,, i found out that where i was meeting for the carverswoodshop luncheon, is about to change, the mall might allow us to continue but i will have to speak to a few folks, but from the looks of it ,, i might have to find a new place, as i sit here i am thinking maybe should just go get a shed and start a shop here at the farm,, then i think i need to wait a bit,, i know the saying the one that waits will lose,, i torn to way to see what will happen,, i been so grateful for the use of the food court, the management has been very good to me, so it has nothing to do other than things are changing, and when things become more clear i will be able to share them with you,, and who knows, i might be able to continue there at the mall, but until i know for sure my last carverswoodshop luncheon meeting will be on aug 8th keep carving, arleen

philly phanatic carving,, for you philly fans

hi folks here is my carving i did last night and painted late into the night,, philly phanatic, for the philly phillies baseball team,, this carving was done for a friend of mine, it did it from a block only, no cutout, just some photos on google and and block and a knife, and this is what i ended up with,, i am very happy with the way it turn out,, , i am not taking orders for this cause of copyright laws,, i gave it away just like i did with homer the amishman lol
video coming up soon

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


hi folks, i just started to put some tips about woodcarving on my facebook carverswoodshop group, you will find this on the link and you will see on the right hand side, you will see the word DOC , under this heading you will see the tips about wood carving for the beginner, how to choose wood, and how to soften hard basswood to make it easier to carve, many topics are covered here on the blog, but thought it might be nice to do for the facebook group i will add things as i go along, keep carving,, enjoy, arleen

Thursday, July 7, 2011


hope to have a video up on youtube later , in a week or so, enjoy, arleen

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy 4th of july to all

howdy folks,, as you know by now i was the only one born in the usa in my whole family,, all my moms side moved from holland to canada, and my dad side of the family stayed in holland, and then my folks with both of my sisters moved to the usa, and i was born a short time later,, so i take some pride in the fact that i am the only one that could legally be president of the usa,, lol ,,,,, i always have to say that,, LOL not that i would want that job even for a min,, but i am so grateful for my folks coming to a land they didnt know english but quickly pick it up, and learn how to read english, and came here to have a farm which we have today,, they came with very little, but worked hard, and soon was able to purchase a farm, and soon got there citizenship of the usa, and both of my sisters also,,
so this county means a lot to us as a family, we are grateful to be here, and we always remember those who keep this land free, hope you all have a wonderful day,, and to my family and friends in canada, i know you had your july 1 hope it was a great day for you too, keep carving, arleen

Saturday, July 2, 2011


there are three videos how to carve this small wooden spoon , enjoy , arleen